Downtown Revitalization
Central business districts are the heart of our communities, but in a world with big box stores and e-commerce, it is critical for downtown business owners and community leaders to band together and assess opportunities and challenges with clear eyes. Land Solutions helps community members strengthen their local economy, get the downtown into tip-top shape, organize and channel the efforts of business owners and local officials, and market a positive image within and outside of the community.
Roundup Downtown Master Plan
The Roundup Downtown Plan was funded by both private donations and grants. The people of Roundup were ready to reinvent their community and define its place on the map. The project was led by an 11-person volunteer committee and included a comprehensive public outreach effort to include the opinions of all members of the community.
Deer Lodge Downtown Master Plan
Downtown Deer Lodge is the center of commercial, civic and social activity in the City. The Downtown Master Plan establishes a strategic path for building on recent growth
and capitalizing on local assets to create a vibrant and welcoming downtown for residents and visitors alike.
Thompson Falls Downtown Master Plan
Thompson Falls' 2015 Downtown Master Plan serves as a guide for improving the economic conditions and aesthetic aspects of downtown Thompson Falls. The plan
addresses promotion, physical design improvements as well as cultural and physical ties to nearby amenities. This plan is action oriented, with the intent that the City of Thompson Falls, the Thompson Falls Downtown Committee, and partnering organizations will use it to achieve measurable results.
Boulder Downtown Master Plan
The impetus for the downtown master plan was in part spurred by the impending closure of the Montana Developmental Center, which triggered the development of the Making Boulder’s Future Bright Master Plan. Through that process, Boulder community members expressed a need to revitalize downtown and promote
it as a destination for both residents and visitors. The Downtown Master Plan addresses that need by laying out a path forward for creating a vibrant and healthy downtown Boulder that encourages economic development and growth.